Saturday, April 30, 2011


well, I have been doing pretty good today...we will see how good I actually did in a few days, right ;)



I am still liking February the most....hopefully they will continue to get better :(
If I get them all done this weekend it will give me time to sleep on them so I can fix the issues in them (I can't see right now, but will later on) before I print.


these were the colors in my room when I was making this...I wonder if winter weather will ever go away?


Friday, April 29, 2011


Do you ever get to the point that you are making work- but you are not really sure if it is good or not? I have that feeling right now. I made April digital, but I don't know if it is very good.
1) Because in the back of my mind I am like, "watercolor, I wish I had time to watercolor.."
2) Because I am always uncertain with digital...still because it will never print as good as it looks on screen...ever...EVER
3) If you have done your math I have about 1 day to complete a painting. Digital this can be done however.

I like to convince myself that all great work is done when the artist is teetering on their deadline... It certainly kicks in the fight-or-flight :)

done with the ink...finally...2 weeks to go!


Well, they are far from perfect but they are done...a week late, which means I have just 2 weeks! Mercy where does the time go?!

I did learn something on my last inking that would have sped up the process. I usually have a problem with my ink clumping-up (I believe this was by the heat- I use an acrylic base ink which is waterproof and dries quicker than india ink) so I decided to put the ink bottle in ice water (while working on June which made the ink glide and I was able to finish it in no time. A little stressful looking back at how much time I could have saved.

Oh well, I know better next time.

I am a little bummed I can't do these in watercolor, but I just don't have the time! So we will see how well we can do digitally, shall we :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

I am still here!

I know it has been forever since I have blogged, but I am still here! My BFA show has taken a few twists and turns since I last posted.

For one, I completely changed my medium. Why? Well because a few very honest friends/illustrators were good enough to tell me that my sketches on this blog were better than what I was producing. (laugh...) so I started over. And I am grateful to them even though I was set back a ton.

Another reason for the infrequent postings is that I really, really, really feel like I have forgotten to draw so I have sketched and inked over many times. Very frustrating... however I still should have posted that.

As well, life did happen. I had a "real" job... trying to find another "real" job (because the other real one was a temp)...and a movie I was/am a designer for...and illustration jobs... I had long commutes.... had to move....and graduated this Friday......BUT

I am discouraged that I haven't been posting more or showing you what I have been producing. This blog was supposed to be about a journey- but it sorta fell between expectations and life. Hopefully a lesson learned.

Anyway, here are some color comps. The show as you remember is called A Day in a Year. Basically we are following a single of a young lady (*no longer me, just a girl) day in a year. So while producing these color comps not only did I have to think about the time of day she was in but as well what kind of lighting we would see at that time of year.

*the reason for that is people couldn't tell it was a mini-me so I gave her more interesting curly hair.

Here are all but June and August, I just can't seem to figure our the drawings yet. But all but those are inked except for a few details.


Have a happy day, and more to come I promises!